In this blog, I will attempt to identify the potential Do’s and Don’ts when filming a Russian Ballet Performance.
Sequence and Timeline
- Understanding the performance and the beat will help you in identifying and syncing the correct frame to the music during editing
- Identify the key character
Have the right equipment.
- As the position where you will be shooting is usually at the back of the house, you will need at least a 200mm focal length for a decent close up
- You need to capture the footage in different focal length (ie. Wide shot, Medium shot, Close Up shot)
- One camera needs to track the main character during solo performances
- In total, you will need to have 4 cameras. (One for Wide, 2 for Medium (left and right), One for close up (full body)
Camera Placement.
- Should be the same for multi day shoot. Best is to use a duct tape to mark the spot.
Camera Settings
- Should be the same
- White Balance on Auto
- Shutter angle at least 1/30
- Frame rate set at 30 FPS
- Frame size set to highest resolution for editing
- Use Manual Focus
- If possible, use Auto Exposure